I am writing a command line tool in python and using pip to distribute it. I have written some scripts (one for bash and one for zsh) to allow the tool to have tab completion. Is there a way to get pip to install these scripts when someone does a pip install?
For example: I have a completion.bash file. When someone does
pip install mypackage
It will also source the bash file.
I'm pretty sure I can do this for linux and bash by putting the script in my data_files section in the setup.py script.
('/etc/bash_completion.d', ['bin/completion.bash'])
But how can I do this so it is platform and shell independent? I need it to work for mac/linux in both bash and zsh. If possible, even support windows.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
In case it matters, here is my bash script:
_foo_complete() {
local words=( "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" )
local word="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local completions="$(foo completer --cmplt=\""${words[*]}"\")"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$completions" -- "$word") )
complete -F _foo_complete foo
I am currently installing it by just running source completion.bash
for an example reference of completions that work across a few shells. To see which, runpython -m pip completion --help
If you are using BASH, you'd append your profile/rc withpython -m pip completion --bash
– Basipetal