I am trying to implement a WebSockets based solution with Play2 and Java. Currently I'm not using Actor Model for concurrency management. Instead, it's just handling the WebSockets using callbacks.
The problem is the server is unable to 'broadcast' the messages across to multiple clients. For example, I need all the active browser sessions to receive a simple notification after an action is triggered through a client. Instead, I'm just able to simulate this for a single client session. In effect, it just acts as a regular Ajax request/response scenario.
My guess is the WebSockets solution with Play2 & Java with simple callbacks isn't able to broadcast the messages to all of the connected client browsers.
Callback server code
public static WebSocket<String> heartUpdate() {
return new WebSocket<String>() {
public void onReady(final WebSocket.In<String> in,
WebSocket.Out<String> out) {
in.onMessage(new Callback<String>() {
public void invoke(String event) throws Throwable {
Product product = Product.find.byId(Long.decode(event));
// Other business stuff
out.write(entity.id + " " + decimalValue);
in.onClose(new Callback0() {
public void invoke() throws Throwable {
Routes entry
GET /repsocket controllers.Application.heartUpdate
Client side
// Onto the WebSockets now
var WS = window['MozWebSocket'] ? MozWebSocket : WebSocket;
var socket = new WS("@routes.Application.heartUpdate.webSocketURL(request)");
var receiveEvent = function(event) {
// Notification badge visible with a common text
$('#heart').click(function(e) {
socket.onmessage = receiveEvent;
In the above case, the action triggering client is the one that successfully receives the message from the server, while any other browser sessions do not.
I failed to find any documentation aligned with Play2 with Java & WebSockets that suggests a mandatory use of Actors to maintain a consistent communication with all connected active clients.
Question: Should WebSockets in Play2 with Java be implemented with Actor Model to broadcast the message to all active client sessions?
Edit: The screenshot below reflects the 2 states of browsers to which I have logged in to using 2 valid user credentials.
Ideally, WebSockets' response from the server should create the same notification badges on both the browsers.