Imagine in ASP.NET Core I register a dependency as Scoped
like the following:
IServiceCollection services = ...
services.AddScoped<IEmailService, EmailService>();
Then I know that for each HTTP request a new scope
will be created and a new instance of Email
service will be reused. Moreover, the same scope
will persist for the lifetime of a request.
Now, imagine I add a Hangfire Background Job like this:
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<IServiceA>("DoA", s => s.DoA(), Cron.Daily());
public class ServiceA: IServiceA {
public ServiceA(IEmailService emailService) { ... }
public void DoA() { ... }
I would like to understand what does scoped
mean in hangfire job terms, by default, does hangfire
- use a single scope for all the jobs and runs
- create separate scopes for each job, but different runs of the same job share the scope
- create separate scopes for each run of any job
Bonus points for an explanation on how to configure it.
does Hangfire generate scopes or do I have to do it explicitly
? Given that a Hangfire service can run indefinitely #1 and #2 would be meaningless, effectively behaving like singletons – PeopleAddHangFire
in your DI configuration. Each execution is wrapped in a scope, no matter what DI container is used. This isn't documented anywhere though – People