I like to run a cron that snapshots a cam like this:
* 9-17 * * 1-5 vlc -I dummy v4l2:///dev/video0 --video-filter scene --no-audio --scene-path /home/foo/tmp/cam --scene-prefix snapshot --scene-format png vlc://quit --run-time=1
But when the cron runs it just throws an error I don't understand:
** Message:
Failed to get session bus:
Error spawning command line 'dbus-launch --autolaunch=55644972b3c91c1d24d83d8252721f00 --binary-syntax --close-stderr':
Child process exited with code 1
In the web I find no clean or good documentation what that is. Can you help me figure it out?
export $(dbus-launch)
– Endothelioma