I'm a bit late to the party, but hey, why not throw my 2 cents in.
As you've explained in your question, your project has two basic parts:
- Finding the classes that implement
- Highlighting them
The first is by far the hardest, though not impossible. A word-list based approach is probably the simplest, though it should be possible with Roslyn to figure out on the fly which classes inherit IDisposible
You could also always resort to loading the project's compiled .exe/.dll in the background after a build and figuring out what the types are there, but you'd still have to write some magic glue code to figure out what short class names in the code referred to what actual full-name classes in the assembly.
The second part, highlighting, is quite easy once you know how to do it (it helps that I've spent the last several months working full-time on extending VS). Of course, with Visual Studio, nothing is as simple as it looks (despite the efforts of Microsoft to try to make it user-friendly). So, I've built a sample extension that highlights just classes named "Stream" within C# files to get you started.
The relevant code is below, and the full project source is on GitHub). It starts with a classification-tagger provider:
public class HighlightDisposableTaggerProvider : ITaggerProvider
private IClassificationTypeRegistryService _classificationRegistry = null;
private IClassifierAggregatorService _classifierAggregator = null;
private bool _reentrant;
public ITagger<T> CreateTagger<T>(ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag
if (_reentrant)
return null;
try {
_reentrant = true;
var classifier = _classifierAggregator.GetClassifier(buffer);
return new HighlightDisposableTagger(buffer, _classificationRegistry, classifier) as ITagger<T>;
finally {
_reentrant = false;
Then the tagger itself:
public class HighlightDisposableTagger : ITagger<ClassificationTag>
private const string DisposableFormatName = "HighlightDisposableFormat";
public static ClassificationTypeDefinition DisposableFormatType = null;
[ClassificationType(ClassificationTypeNames = DisposableFormatName)]
public class DisposableFormatDefinition : ClassificationFormatDefinition
public DisposableFormatDefinition()
DisplayName = "Disposable Format";
ForegroundColor = Color.FromRgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
public event EventHandler<SnapshotSpanEventArgs> TagsChanged = delegate { };
private ITextBuffer _subjectBuffer;
private ClassificationTag _tag;
private IClassifier _classifier;
private bool _reentrant;
public HighlightDisposableTagger(ITextBuffer subjectBuffer, IClassificationTypeRegistryService typeService, IClassifier classifier)
_subjectBuffer = subjectBuffer;
var classificationType = typeService.GetClassificationType(DisposableFormatName);
_tag = new ClassificationTag(classificationType);
_classifier = classifier;
public IEnumerable<ITagSpan<ClassificationTag>> GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
if (_reentrant) {
return Enumerable.Empty<ITagSpan<ClassificationTag>>();
var tags = new List<ITagSpan<ClassificationTag>>();
try {
_reentrant = true;
foreach (var span in spans) {
if (span.IsEmpty)
foreach (var token in _classifier.GetClassificationSpans(span)) {
if (token.ClassificationType.IsOfType(/*PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Identifier*/ "User Types")) {
// TODO: Somehow figure out if this refers to a class which implements IDisposable
if (token.Span.GetText() == "Stream") {
tags.Add(new TagSpan<ClassificationTag>(token.Span, _tag));
return tags;
finally {
_reentrant = false;
I've only tested this on VS2010, but it should work for VS2013 too (the only thing that might be different is the class classification name, but that's easy to discover with a well-placed breakpoint). I've never written an extension for VS2012, so I can't comment on that, but I know it's quite close to VS2013 in most respects.
(that will force the background colour of the tagged area to be set, among other things), use anITagger<ClassificationSpan>
and export anITaggerProvider
for it. – ReniContentType
attribute on the provider is set to"csharp"
(case-insensitive). You also need an[TagType(typeof(ClassificationTag))]
attribute on theITaggerProvider
, I believe. – Reni