I'm very new to Rust so I may have terminology confused.
I want to use the hashes crates to do some hashing and I want to dynamically pick which algorithm (sha256, sha512, etc.) to use at runtime.
I'd like to write something like this:
let hasher = match "one of the algorithms" {
"sha256" => Box::new(Sha256::new()) as Box<Digest>,
"sha512" => Box::new(Sha512::new()) as Box<Digest>
// etc...
I sort of get that that doesn't work because the associated types required by Digest
aren't specified. If I attempt to fill them in:
"sha256" => Box::new(Sha256::new()) as Box<Digest<<OutputSize = U32, BlockSize = U64>>>,
I'm left with an error: the trait 'digest::Digest' cannot be made into an object
. I think this approach will fail anyway because match
will be returning slightly different types in cases where different algorithms have different associated types.
Am I missing something obvious? How can I dynamically create an instance of something that implements a trait and then hold on to that thing and use it through the trait interface?