I want to develop an application whitch control the serial device over usb, on Linux Android.
An Android OS is 3.1 that supports USB host.
Q1: Please let me know how to get which port the serial device is mounted .
I got likely USB device information when I got "Dump Device State" on Dalvik Debug Monitor.
And, I checked /dev/tty* on android device by using adb.
I don't know which one(/dev/tty??) the serial device is.
adb shell
$ ls /dev/tty*
Q2: Please let me know how to control the serial device on Android without root permission.
I have a application(exe) that can control the serial device on linux.
I tried to do on android , but I couldn't do for permission denied.
And, I tried redirect to the serial port(maybe)
$ ls > /dev/ttyS0
But I couldn't.
cannot create /dev/ttyS0: permission denied.
Please let me know anything how to control and access to the serial device.