Based on this code, I'm trying to animate a dynamically-generated SVG element:
var svgnode = document.createElementNS('','svg');
var circle = document.createElementNS('','circle');
circle.setAttribute("cx", "10");
circle.setAttribute("cy", "10");
circle.setAttribute("r", "10");
circle.setAttribute("fill", "blue");
var ani = document.createElementNS("","animateTransform");
ani.setAttribute("attributeName", "transform");
ani.setAttribute("attributeType", "xml");
ani.setAttribute("type", "translate" );
ani.setAttribute("from", "10");
ani.setAttribute("to", "100");
ani.setAttribute("begin", "0s");
ani.setAttribute("dur", "2s");
ani.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");
the SVG shows up fine, but the animation doesn't work. If I write the equivalent code in plain HTML/SVG it works. I'm using Chrome.