The cmp instructions that are not used are to cause a NullPointerException.
What are these strange cmp [ecx], ecx instructions doing in my C# code?
ORIGINAL POST (even more edits below)
I'm trying to understand the way the JIT compiles code.
In memory I have a 3 char field. In c++ to compare two such fields I can do this:
return ((*(DWORD*)p) & 0xFFFFFF00) == ((*(DWORD*)q) & 0xFFFFFF00);
MSVC 2010 will generate something like this (from memory):
1 mov edx,dword ptr [rsp+8]
2 and edx,0FFFFFF00h
3 mov ecx,dword ptr [rsp]
4 and ecx,0FFFFFF00h
5 cmp edx,ecx
In C#, I am trying to figure out how to get as close to that as I can. We have records made up of a lot of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 byte fields. I have tested a lot of different ways in c# to build a larger struct representing a record using smaller structs of those sizes. I am not satisfied with the assembly code. Right now I am playing with something like this:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3)]
public unsafe struct KLF3
public fixed byte Field[3];
public bool Equals(ref KLF3 r)
fixed (byte* p = Field, q = r.Field)
return ((*(UInt32*)p) & 0xFFFFFF00) == ((*(UInt32*)q) & 0xFFFFFF00);
But I have two problems. Problem one is the compiler generates a lot of useless looking code:
fixed (byte* p = Field, q = r.Field)
1 sub rsp,18h
2 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],0
3 mov qword ptr [rsp],0
4 cmp byte ptr [rcx],0
5 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
6 cmp byte ptr [rdx],0
7 mov qword ptr [rsp],rdx
return ((*(UInt32*)p) & 0xFFFFFF00) == ((*(UInt32*)q) & 0xFFFFFF00);
8 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp+8]
9 mov edx,dword ptr [rax]
10 and edx,0FFFFFF00h
11 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp]
12 mov ecx,dword ptr [rax]
13 and ecx,0FFFFFF00h
14 xor eax,eax
15 cmp edx,ecx
16 sete al
17 add rsp,18h
18 ret
Lines 2,3,4,5,6,7 seem useless since we could just use the register rcx and rdx and not need line 8 and line 11. lines 4 and 6 seem useless, since nothing is using the result of the cmp. I see a lot of these useless cmps in .net code.
Problem two is I cant get the compiler to inline the Equals function. In fact I'm having a hard time seeing anything go inline.
Any tips to get this to compile better? I'm using visual studio 2010 and .net version 4. I am working to get 4.5 installed and visual studio 2013, but that might take a few more days.
So i tried a bunch of alternates
This produces better looking code, but still kinda long:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KLF31
public UInt16 pos0_1;
public byte pos2;
public bool Equals(ref KLF31 r)
return pos0_1 == r.pos0_1 && pos2 == r.pos2;
return pos0_1 == r.pos0_1 && pos2 == r.pos2;
00000000 mov r8,rdx
00000003 mov rdx,rcx
00000006 movzx ecx,word ptr [rdx]
00000009 movzx eax,word ptr [r8]
0000000d cmp ecx,eax
0000000f jne 0000000000000025
00000011 movzx ecx,byte ptr [rdx+2]
00000015 movzx eax,byte ptr [r8+2]
0000001a xor edx,edx
0000001c cmp ecx,eax
0000001e sete dl
00000021 mov al,dl
00000023 jmp 0000000000000027
00000025 xor eax,eax
00000027 rep ret
This one is pretty lean, except the struct size is 4 bytes instead of 3.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 3, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KLF33
[FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 pos0_3;
public bool Equals(ref KLF33 r)
return (pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00) == (r.pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00);
return (pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00) == (r.pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00);
00000000 mov rax,rdx
00000003 mov edx,dword ptr [rcx]
00000005 and edx,0FFFFFF00h
0000000b mov ecx,dword ptr [rax]
0000000d and ecx,0FFFFFF00h
00000013 xor eax,eax
00000015 cmp edx,ecx
00000017 sete al
0000001a ret
This one looks just like the crappy fixed char array, as expected:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KLF34
public byte pos0, pos1, pos2;
public bool Equals(ref KLF34 r)
fixed (byte* p = &pos0, q = &r.pos0)
return ((*(UInt32*)p) & 0xFFFFFF00) == ((*(UInt32*)q) & 0xFFFFFF00);
fixed (byte* p = &pos0, q = &r.pos0)
00000000 sub rsp,18h
00000004 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],0
0000000d mov qword ptr [rsp],0
00000015 cmp byte ptr [rcx],0
00000018 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
0000001d cmp byte ptr [rdx],0
00000020 mov qword ptr [rsp],rdx
return ((*(UInt32*)p) & 0xFFFFFF00) == ((*(UInt32*)q) & 0xFFFFFF00);
00000024 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp+8]
00000029 mov edx,dword ptr [rax]
0000002b and edx,0FFFFFF00h
00000031 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp]
00000035 mov ecx,dword ptr [rax]
00000037 and ecx,0FFFFFF00h
0000003d xor eax,eax
0000003f cmp edx,ecx
00000041 sete al
00000044 add rsp,18h
00000048 ret
In response to Hans, here is sample code.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3)]
public unsafe struct KLF30
public fixed byte Field[3];
public bool Equals(ref KLF30 r)
fixed (byte* p = Field, q = r.Field)
return ((*(UInt32*)p) & 0xFFFFFF00) == ((*(UInt32*)q) & 0xFFFFFF00);
public bool Equals1(ref KLF30 r)
fixed (byte* p = Field, q = r.Field)
return p[0] == q[0] && p[1] == q[1] && p[2] == q[2];
public bool Equals2(ref KLF30 r)
fixed (byte* p = Field, q = r.Field)
return p[0] == q[0] && p[1] == q[1] && p[2] == q[2];
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KLF31
public UInt16 pos0_1;
public byte pos2;
public bool Equals(ref KLF31 r)
return pos0_1 == r.pos0_1 && pos2 == r.pos2;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KLF32
public fixed byte Field[3];
public bool Equals(ref KLF32 r)
fixed (byte* p = Field, q = r.Field)
return EqualsImpl(p, q);
private bool EqualsImpl(byte* p, byte* q)
return (*(uint*)p & 0xffffff) == (*(uint*)q & 0xffffff);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 3, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KLF33
public UInt32 pos0_3;
public bool Equals(ref KLF33 r)
return (pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00) == (r.pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KLF34
public byte pos0, pos1, pos2;
public bool Equals(ref KLF34 r)
fixed (byte* p = &pos0, q = &r.pos0)
return ((*(UInt32*)p) & 0xFFFFFF00) == ((*(UInt32*)q) & 0xFFFFFF00);
public struct Klf
[FieldOffset(0)] public char pos0;
[FieldOffset(1)] public char pos1;
[FieldOffset(2)] public char pos2;
[FieldOffset(3)] public char pos3;
[FieldOffset(4)] public char pos4;
[FieldOffset(5)] public char pos5;
[FieldOffset(6)] public char pos6;
[FieldOffset(7)] public char pos7;
[FieldOffset(0)] public UInt16 pos0_1;
[FieldOffset(2)] public UInt16 pos2_3;
[FieldOffset(4)] public UInt16 pos4_5;
[FieldOffset(6)] public UInt16 pos6_7;
[FieldOffset(0)] public UInt32 pos0_3;
[FieldOffset(4)] public UInt32 pos4_7;
[FieldOffset(0)] public UInt64 pos0_7;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3)]
public unsafe struct KLF35
public Klf Field;
public bool Equals(ref KLF35 r)
return (Field.pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00) == (r.Field.pos0_3 & 0xFFFFFF00);
public unsafe class KlrAAFI
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct _AAFI
public KLF30 AirlineCxrCode0;
public KLF31 AirlineCxrCode1;
public KLF32 AirlineCxrCode2;
public KLF33 AirlineCxrCode3;
public KLF34 AirlineCxrCode4;
public KLF35 AirlineCxrCode5;
public KlrAAFI(byte* pData)
Data = (_AAFI*)pData;
public _AAFI* Data;
public int Size = sizeof(_AAFI);
class Program
static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
byte* foo = stackalloc byte[256];
var a1 = new KlrAAFI(foo);
var a2 = new KlrAAFI(foo);
var p1 = a1.Data;
var p2 = a2.Data;
//bool f01= p1->AirlineCxrCode0.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode0);
//bool f02= p1->AirlineCxrCode0.Equals1(ref p2->AirlineCxrCode0);
//bool f03= p1->AirlineCxrCode0.Equals2(ref p2->AirlineCxrCode0);
//bool f1 = p1->AirlineCxrCode1.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode1);
bool f2 = p1->AirlineCxrCode2.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode2);
//bool f3 = p1->AirlineCxrCode3.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode3);
//bool f4 = p1->AirlineCxrCode4.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode4);
//bool f5 = p1->AirlineCxrCode5.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode5);
//int q = f01 | f02 | f03 | f1 | f2 | f3 | f4 ? 0 : 1;
int q = f2 ? 0 : 1;
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}",
sizeof(KLF30), sizeof(KLF31), sizeof(KLF32), sizeof(KLF33), sizeof(KLF34), sizeof(KLF35));
Console.WriteLine("{0}", q);
When I compile that with all but f2 commented out, i get this:
var p1 = a1.Data;
0000007b mov rax,qword ptr [rdi+8]
var p2 = a2.Data;
0000007f mov rcx,qword ptr [rbx+8]
bool f2 = p1->AirlineCxrCode2.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode2);
00000083 cmp byte ptr [rax],0
00000086 add rax,10h
0000008c cmp byte ptr [rcx],0
0000008f add rcx,10h
00000093 xor edx,edx
00000095 mov qword ptr [rbp],rdx
00000099 mov qword ptr [rbp+8],rdx
0000009d cmp byte ptr [rax],0
000000a0 mov qword ptr [rbp],rax
000000a4 cmp byte ptr [rcx],0
000000a7 mov qword ptr [rbp+8],rcx
000000ab mov rax,qword ptr [rbp]
000000af mov rcx,qword ptr [rbp+8]
000000b3 mov edx,dword ptr [rax]
000000b5 and edx,0FFFFFFh
000000bb mov ecx,dword ptr [rcx]
000000bd and ecx,0FFFFFFh
000000c3 xor eax,eax
000000c5 cmp edx,ecx
000000c7 sete al
000000ca movzx ecx,al
000000cd movzx eax,cl
If you look closely at the assembly, it is inlined as Hans indicated, but most of that asm doesn't do anything. Look at all the useless cmp statements before 000000c5. Look at how many times it moves the same value into and out of rbp and rbp+8. Maybe I don't understand the utility of that.
if you comment out everything except for f1, i get this:
var p1 = a1.Data;
00000071 mov rdx,qword ptr [rdi+8]
var p2 = a2.Data;
00000075 mov r8,qword ptr [rbx+8]
bool f1 = p1->AirlineCxrCode1.Equals (ref p2->AirlineCxrCode1);
00000079 cmp byte ptr [rdx],0
0000007c cmp byte ptr [r8],0
00000080 movzx ecx,word ptr [rdx+8]
00000084 movzx eax,word ptr [r8+8]
00000089 cmp ecx,eax
0000008b jne 00000000000000A2
0000008d movzx ecx,byte ptr [rdx+0Ah]
00000091 movzx eax,byte ptr [r8+0Ah]
00000096 xor edx,edx
00000098 cmp ecx,eax
0000009a sete dl
0000009d movzx eax,dl
000000a0 jmp 00000000000000A4
000000a2 xor eax,eax
which still has useless cmp instr 79, 7c, but a lot less overhead.
Seems that fixed generates a lot of (useless?) asm in this case.