I have configured IntelliJ as my diff and mergetool on my mac, but the git launches it, the command line always returns immediately, rather than waiting for the diff to be completed, which means that the changes enacted are not reflected on disk.
My configuration is:
[mergetool "intellij"]
cmd = /Applications/IntelliJ\\ IDEA\\ 13\\ CE.app/Contents/MacOS/idea merge \
$(cd $(dirname \"$LOCAL\") && pwd)/$(basename \"$LOCAL\") \
$(cd $(dirname \"$REMOTE\") && pwd)/$(basename \"$REMOTE\") \
$(cd $(dirname \"$BASE\") && pwd)/$(basename \"$BASE\")
$(cd $(dirname \"$MERGED\") && pwd)/$(basename \"$MERGED\")
trustExitCode = true
I've testing calling IntelliJ by hand without git and it also returns immediately, so I don't think this is caused by git's invocation, rather that the IntelliJ command line invocation just sends a message to open the window to an existing running instance of IntelliJ.. Is there an option to force IntelliJ to not return or spawn a new instance to make this work?
file? – Publias