I wrote this code on to observe the event of a keydown motion. The problem appears to be that when this script is run, certain programs will crash this program, spitting out this error message:
TypeError: KeyboardSwitch() missing 8 required positional arguments: 'msg', 'vk_
code', 'scan_code', 'ascii', 'flags', 'time', 'hwnd', and 'win_name'
Some programs observed to crash are: Skype, Sublime Text 2
After a few trials at debugging it, the problem appears to be occurring on the final line but I can't seem to narrow it down. I also don't understand the meaning of KeyboardSwitch() as returned by the compiler...
I have also found that the program would alternately return this error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\pyHook\HookManager.py", line 351, in KeyboardSwitch
return func(event)
File "observe.py", line 6, in OnKeyboardEvent
print ('MessageName:',event.MessageName)
TypeError: an integer is required (got type NoneType)
What is the cause and how do I fix this, especially since it only appears for only 1 in 2 keys pressed
import pyHook, pythoncom
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
# Source: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/553270-using-pyhook-to-block-windows-keys/
print ('MessageName:',event.MessageName)
print ('Message:',event.Message)
print ('Time:',event.Time)
print ('Window:',event.Window)
print ('WindowName:',event.WindowName)
print ('Ascii:', event.Ascii, chr(event.Ascii))
print ('Key:', event.Key)
print ('KeyID:', event.KeyID)
print ('ScanCode:', event.ScanCode)
print ('Extended:', event.Extended)
print ('Injected:', event.Injected)
print ('Alt', event.Alt)
print ('Transition', event.Transition)
print ('---')
hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()
hooks_manager.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
P.S. As a beginner, I'm not very familiar with the function of pythoncom and the online definitions appear to be rather vague. An explanation on the function of pythoncom and PumpMessages would be greatly appreciated.