I'm attempting to simulate a drag and drop action on a sortable HTML list created using the Sortable library. It uses the native HTML5 API to implement draggable elements and sorting within a list.
To simulate these drag events, I found and modified the following JavaScript code:
var triggerSortableDragAndDrop = function (selectorDrag, selectorDrop, callback) {
var MAX_TRIES = 2;
// fetch target elements
var elemDrag = document.querySelector(selectorDrag);
var elemDrop = document.querySelector(selectorDrop);
var dragItems = document.querySelectorAll('[draggable=true]');
if (!elemDrag || !elemDrop) {
console.log("can't get elements");
return false;
var startingDropRect = elemDrop.getBoundingClientRect();
function rectsEqual(r1, r2) {
return r1.top === r2.top && r1.right === r2.right && r1.bottom === r2.bottom && r1.left === r2.left;
// function for triggering mouse events
function fireMouseEvent(type, elem) {
var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
evt.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, elem);
// trigger dragging process on top of drop target
// We sometimes need to do this multiple times due to the vagaries of
// how Sortable manages the list re-arrangement
var counter = 0;
function dragover() {
console.log('DRAGOVER #' + counter);
var currentDropRect = elemDrop.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rectsEqual(startingDropRect, currentDropRect) && counter < MAX_TRIES) {
if (counter != 1) console.log("drop target rect hasn't changed, trying again");
// mouseover / mouseout etc events not necessary
// dragenter / dragleave events not necessary either
fireMouseEvent('dragover', elemDrop);
setTimeout(dragover, DELAY_INTERVAL_MS);
} else {
if (rectsEqual(startingDropRect, currentDropRect)) {
console.log("wasn't able to budge drop target after " + MAX_TRIES + " tries, aborting");
fireMouseEvent('drop', elemDrop);
if (callback) callback(false);
} else {
setTimeout(drop, DELAY_INTERVAL_MS);
function drop() {
// release dragged element on top of drop target
fireMouseEvent('drop', elemDrop);
fireMouseEvent('mouseup', elemDrop); // not strictly necessary but I like the symmetry
if (callback) callback(true);
// start dragging process
fireMouseEvent('mousedown', elemDrag);
console.log('mousedown triggered');
fireMouseEvent('dragstart', elemDrag);
console.log('dragstart triggered');
// after a delay, do the first dragover; this will run up to MAX_TRIES times
// (with a delay between each run) and finally run drop() with a delay:
setTimeout(dragover, DELAY_INTERVAL_MS);
return true;
And the markup of the section I'm trying to drag and drop with is as follows:
When I tried to set breakpoints on the browser's drag event listeners, and execute the helper function in my browser console using:
triggerSortableDragAndDrop('#bookmarkItems > li:nth-child(2)', '#bookmarkItems > li:nth-child(2)');
I noticed that the dragstart event was never captured, but the mousedown and dragover events were.
How can I get the dragstart event fire to trigger its listener? Because I think that is what's causing the drag and drop simulation to fail.