I've included a couple of third-party jQuery plugins in my Django admin base template which assume "$" to be available.
For my own code, I've always been happy to just do
(function($) {
my_code = 'here';
but how can I provide "$" to other people's code which sits in external files?
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/jquery.json-2.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
complains that "$" is undefined. I've tried to put
<script type="text/javascript">var $ = django.jQuery;</script>
before that external reference, but to no avail (btw, why is that? I understand loading happens concurrently, but execution? I can use that "$" immediately after defining it.).
I'm happy with the jQuery version that Django admin provides and really don't want to load another one. I also don't want to edit someone else's plugin so that it starts with the above "$" re-definition. EDIT: Neither do I want to wrap it like my own code, I just don't want to touch those files at all.
Do I really have to resort to putting $.getScript() - http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getScript - into my anonymous function to load such files?
EDIT: After actually looking into that external file jquery.json-2.2.min.js, I saw it was already wrapped into a function that assumed "jQuery" to be available, rather than "$". After inserting
var jQuery = django.jQuery;
before the external reference, it worked fine. But is this really how this should be done?