I'm using GHC 7.4.1 to try to compile a program that uses Repa. But partway through compilation, I'm running out of memory. With ghc -v
, I can see that it's getting stuck in the SpecConstr phase.
SpecConstr is one of GHC's Core-to-Core transformations. Simon Peyton Jones has a nice description here, and there's some code here, but it's pretty slow-going for me since I'm not very familiar with the inner workings of GHC.
I'd like to be able to help the compiler along somehow - is there a way to tell where it's getting stuck? Alternatively, is there a way to limit memory usage in this phase until I can recompile on a bigger machine?
Thanks, Chad
, and now it compiles just fine. Still no idea why, though. – Rosinweed