What is the difference between the this code block:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", uploadProgress, false);
xhr.addEventListener("load", uploadComplete, false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", uploadFailed, false);
xhr.addEventListener("abort", uploadCanceled, false);
xhr.open("POST", "upload_url");
and this:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", uploadProgress, false);
xhr.upload.addEventListener("load", uploadComplete, false);
xhr.upload.addEventListener("error", uploadFailed, false);
xhr.upload.addEventListener("abort", uploadCanceled, false);
xhr.open("POST", "upload_url");
I've seen both implementations in blogs and other SO posts, but no one explains why they use one over the other. The only difference I can find at this point is that the latter doesn't work on the default Android browser, while the former seems to work on just about everything.
is basically used to track uplaod status of the files being uploaded otherwise using first method is always better. – Boylan