Start Task manager when Pc start up in minimized and hide his icon in task bar and show only the icon in system tray (option of hide when minimized in task manager menu) .
and your batch file "start /min taskmgr" not work with task schedule in way you like, so let's edit your batch:
echo createobject("").run "taskmgr.exe",0,false >t.vbs && start /wait t.vbs && del /f t.vbs
Write this whole line in a new batch file and use schedule task to start this batch.
OR use VBScript file:
createobject("").Run "taskmgr.exe",0,false
Just save this line in text file and name it anything like "t.vbs" and then add this script to the task schedule.
If you don't like schedule task to run this VBScript in start up of your pc or user login you can copy and paste " t.vbs " to start up in programs folder for
- all user :
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
- current user :
%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
OR if you don't like to use schedule tasks to run at PC start up and you like to run it through Run
key in registry.
this batch file will accomplish all task for you from:
Add to run in registry keys to start up the batch so no need
schedule tasks
Run CMD to create the VBScript
Execute this script to minimized and hide Task Manager in tray icons
Delete the VBScript after it run.
so every time you reboot your PC this TaskMgr
will start in minimized window mode and his icon will show only in system tray
if you like run this batch file for single user use HKCU
instead HKLM
so every time you login with this user account it will start without reboot.
reg ADD "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run" /v "TaskManager" /d "cmd.exe /c cd \"%userprofile%\" && echo createobject(\"\").run \"\"\"%systemroot%\system32\taskmgr.exe\"\"\",0,False > taskmgr.vbs && start /wait taskmgr.vbs && del /f taskmgr.vbs" /f
copy whole this one command line and paste in cmd.exe and run it or save it in text file then name it anything like " TaskMgr.bat " then run it through cmd.exe as administrator because if you add in registry you need administrator privilege most of time not all.
OR if you like to use registry editor instead of batch file to user Run
in registry to start task manager
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"TaskManager"="cmd.exe /c cd \"%userprofile%\" && echo createobject(\"\").run \"\"\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\taskmgr.exe\"\"\",0,False > taskmgr.vbs && start /wait taskmgr.vbs && del /f taskmgr.vbs"
copy this lines in text file and then save it as "Taskmgr.reg" then double click this file to run .