I'm trying to launch IEx.pry
within a test. However I cannot get to run the tests within an iex session. Note that I'm not using mix.
defmodule Calc do
def add(a,b) do
a + b
defmodule TheTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "adds two numbers" do
require IEx
assert Calc.add(1, 2) == 3
I try run it with ExUnit.run
hangs and eventually times out:
manuel@laptop:~/exercism/elixir/nucleotide-count$ iex test.exs
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]
Interactive Elixir (1.3.4) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> ExUnit.run
** (exit) exited in: GenServer.call(ExUnit.Server, {:take_async_cases, 8}, 60000)
** (EXIT) time out
(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:604: GenServer.call/3
(ex_unit) lib/ex_unit/runner.ex:71: ExUnit.Runner.loop/2
(stdlib) timer.erl:166: :timer.tc/1
(ex_unit) lib/ex_unit/runner.ex:13: ExUnit.Runner.run/2
The code is loaded correctly and I can invoke it directly with TheTest."test adds two numbers"({})
. But I was hoping to do this launching the whole suite.
? – Ainmix
you should be brave enough to startExUnit
server application yourself. – Rubdownmix
project. Which is not the case. I did not expect to need to setup a mix project to be able to do this in the same way that I did not expect to setup Rake to run Pry within RSpec. I hope that's not the answer. – Elconin:observer.start
running. Is that what you were talking about? If so, the problem must be somewhere else. – Elconin