I thought I can give short comment on this, but the field is to short, sorry if it will not be right answer but:
You mentioned sorcery - I think it is authentication system and got nothing to do with an authorization. (I do not know sorcery gem implementation - just repeating statement from documentation and assuming that description enumerates such systems it replaces and it is valid definition). I guess it is just mistake.
Fundamental question you should ask yourself is...
How much role-based system do you develop? I think if this is only matter of public/private/admin roles probably you should consider just moving it to different APIs.
That can be cumbersome in some circumstances but worth a try for not complicated none additive roles. Simple mount in grape will solve the problem OOTB.
Real problem is if you think about some expandable/dynamic role system or you want to be just DRY. That can be painful ;-). I think Rayan's Bytes cancan gem implementation should help you understand how such problem can be solved on higher abstract level. For particular (without higher abstraction - such as dynamic roles) implementation it should be fine to just use currently given helpers from grape and delegate their responsibilities to model (basic usage).
helpers do
def current_user
@current_user ||= User.authorize!(env)
def authenticate!
error!('401 Unauthorized', 401) unless current_user
so all the story is about how to implement User.authorize!(env) and I believe that should be done in your model and depends strictly on your needs.
authorize :foo, :show?
The first param can be a symbol, name of the class or an instance of the class – Noemi