I'm asking this because I've been on SO most of the day, and can’t seem to get/find an answer.
This is what I'm trying to do (without using a paid gateway):
-First of all I'm setting up a database with various info and dates.
-Using a cron I will be running a script to send out that various information (user supplied) to the user on that date via an email to SMS PHP script.
-To avoid maintaining an accurate cellular carrier list. I would like to somehow ping the number and return the carrier and the appropriate "@carrier-email-extension" to send out the message. (I don't want to ask the user during registration; to streamline registration - as not to be a PIA and get more users) - I currently have a dropdown with about 50 carriers listed (I know I may have forgotten or accidentally left out some), but I don't want to have to maintain the list. I would like to delete this part of the form. Ideally, I would like to check the number via ajax/javascript as it is entered and send the carrier info to MYSQL during submission.
-The user already agrees to get SMS messages/updates/texts from my service, so nothing malicious is going on. They will agree when setting up another message:
You will be sending a SMS message with the following information {listed information} to your mobile number, {mobile number} on {date}.
Any suggestions?