Is there a way in ABAP's OpenSQL to simplify the select columns in a JOIN
when I want to grab all the fields of one table but only selected fields from the other table(s)?
For instance, in mysql we can simply do:
SELECT tb1.*, tb2.b, tb2.d
FROM tableA tb1
INNER JOIN tableB tb2 ON tb1.x = tb2.a
However, OpenSQL does not seem to allow selecting tb1~*, tb2~b, tb2~d
so I have to resort to this:
SELECT tb1.x, tb1.y, tb1.z, tb2.b, tb2.d
FROM tableA tb1
INNER JOIN tableB tb2 ON tb1.x = tb2.a
For very large tables, especially standard tables, this becomes unwieldy, difficult to read and more annoying to maintain.
Is there a better way to select all fields of tb1 and some fields from tb2?