I would like to bind an object in a controller through the body of a HTTP Post.
It works like this
public class MyModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No context found");
string modelName = bindingContext.ModelName;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName)) {
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Failed();
return Task.CompletedTask;
string value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(modelName).FirstValue;
The modelName
is viewModel
(honestly, I don't know why, but it works...)
My controller looks like this
public IActionResult CalcAc([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyModelBinder))]IViewModel viewModel)
i.e. it works, when I make this HTTP-Post request
I would like however to pass it through the body of the request, i.e.
public IActionResult Calc([FromBody][ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyModelBinder))]IViewModel viewModel)
In my Modelbinder then, the modelName is "" and the ValueProvider yields null... What am I doing wrong?
Example; Assume you have an interface IGeometry
and many implementations of different 2D shapes, like Circle: IGeometry
or Rectangle: IGeometry
or Polygon: IGeometry
. IGeometry
itself has the method decimal getArea()
. Now, my URL shall calculate the area for any shape that implements IGeometry
, that would look like this
public IActionResult CalcArea([FromBody]IGeometry geometricObject)
return Ok(geometricObject.getArea());
// or for sake of completness
// return Ok(service.getArea(geometricObject));
the problem is, you cannot bind to an interface, that yields an error, you need a class! That's where the custom model binder is used. Assume your IGeometry
also has the following property string Type {get; set;}
the in the custom model binding you would simply search for that Type in the passed json and bind it to the correct implementation. Something like
if (bodyContent is Rectangle) // that doesn't work ofc, but you get the point
var boundObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rectangle>(jsonString);
In ASP.Net EF the custom model binding looks like this
public bool BindModel(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
here you get the body of the HTTPPost request like this
string json = actionContext.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
in ASP.Net Core you don't have the actionContext, only the bindingContext where I can't find the body of the HTTP Post.
Ok, I found the body, see accepted answer. Now inside the controller method I really have an object from type IGeometry (an interface) that is instantiated inside the custom model binder! My controller method looks like this:
public IActionResult CalcArea([FromBody]IGeometry geometricObject)
return Ok(service.getArea(geometricObject));
And my injected service like this
public decimal getArea(IGeometry viewModel)
return viewModel.calcArea();
IGeometry on the other hand looks like this
public interface IGeometry
string Type { get; set; } // I use this to correctly bind to each implementation
decimal calcArea();
Each class then simply calculates the area accordingly, so
public class Rectangle : IGeometry
public string Type {get; set; }
public decimal b0 { get; set; }
public decimal h0 { get; set; }
public decimal calcArea()
return b0 * h0;
public class Circle : IGeometry
public string Type {get; set; }
public decimal radius { get; set; }
public decimal calcArea()
return radius*radius*Math.Pi;
class ViewModel : IViewModel
. Interfaces allow you to have different implementations. I can't imagine a way, how transfered data can have different implementations. They are just data. Probably you need a second method, which can receive another data model. Then pass it to your service layer and use interfaces there, if necessary. – Luge[FromBody]
with a certain class, you cannot instantiate an interface. What if you want to receive e.g. an geometic shape (interface) with a methodgetArea
. You would then allow to send a circle (only property is radius) or rectangle (only properties are height and width) or a polygon (array of x/y data). If you had an URL HTTP Post /object/ you would have to have an URL for each single geometic object. Using a custom model binder you can check the incoming data and map it to the specific class. – RingoCircle : IGeometry
, you need a method which supports that. And if you receive aRectangle : IGeometry
, you need another method which received that. Then you can pass it to your serviceservice.DoSomething(IGeometry)
. As I read between the lines, you want to abuse the model binder to do business logic (service layer). – Lugeawait reader.ReadToEndAsync()
, but yeah, that's the way you read the body. Anyway, a seperate method foreach Geometry Object is still prefered (imho). It's a cleaner contract, and shorter than a custom model binder. Think about how you want to document a request, if it can have any value? Again a Model Binder is responsible to Bind a Model. That's not what your Binder is doing. Your binder performs business logic, and after that creates an instance, depending of the result. This sounds wrong. – Lugeshapes
I add withIGeometry
). I don't see any business logic in my model binder. It's very similar (IMO) to the official example learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/advanced/… – Ringo