There’s a much better algorithm for matching with multiple templates. It’s faster than OpenCV. Check it out here, it’s called OpenFDCM. I just released it, it’s been months of development.
You can try it on Google Colab here.
pip install openfdcm
import openfdcm
templates = # A list of 4xN array where each array is a template represented as N lines [x1, y1, x2, y2]^T
scene = # A 4xM array representing the M scene lines
# Perform template matching
max_tmpl_lines, max_scene_lines = 4, 4 # Combinatory search parameters.
depth = 30 # The [0, pi] discretization.
coeff = 5.0 # A weighting factor to enhance the angular cost vs distance cost in FDCM algorithm.
scene_padding = 1.5 # A ratio to pad the scene images used in the FDCM algorithm, use if best match may appear on image boundaries.
distance_type = openfdcm.distance.L2 # or openfdcm.distance.L2_SQUARED or openfdcm.distance.L1
#num_threads = 4
threadpool = openfdcm.ThreadPool() # could pass num_threads here, but default is optimal
featuremap_params = openfdcm.Dt3CpuParameters(depth, coeff, scene_padding, distance_type)
search_strategy = openfdcm.DefaultSearch(max_tmpl_lines, max_scene_lines)
optimizer_strategy = openfdcm.BatchOptimize(10, threadpool)
matcher = openfdcm.DefaultMatch()
penalizer = openfdcm.ExponentialPenalty(tau=1.5)
# Build FDCm feature map and search
start_time = time.time()
featuremap = openfdcm.build_cpu_featuremap(scene, featuremap_params, threadpool)
raw_matches =, search_strategy, optimizer_strategy, featuremap, templates, scene)
penalized_matches = openfdcm.penalize(penalizer, raw_matches, openfdcm.get_template_lengths(templates))
sorted_matches = openfdcm.sort_matches(penalized_matches)
search_time = time.time() - start_time
print(f"Template matching search completed in {search_time:.4f} seconds.")
best_match = sorted_matches[0] # Best match (lower score) is first
best_match_id = best_match.tmpl_idx
best_matched_tmpl = templates[best_match_id]
result_rotation = best_match.transform[0:2, 0:2]
result_translation = best_match.transform[0:2, 2]