This is bugging me for several days now. I know about the standard stream redirection to the NUL device, but this isn't the case. node.js uses CreateFileW under its fs native/libuv bindings.
Unfortunately using something like:
require('fs').writeFileSync('NUL', 'foo')
creates a NUL file into the cwd that has 3 bytes.
I tried writing to the \Device\Null, but since I'm pretty much a *nix head where everything is a file, I failed to actually find a working path for \Device\Null. Such as \\.\Device\Null that throws ENOENT.
Any ideas about how to make this work under Windows?
This seems to be related, but I can not track the whole flow from lib/fs.js to uv/src/win/fs.c to check that the path argument doesn't suffer from some kind of relative to absolute path resolution.