Here is a solution that should output a newly indexed array.
$result = array_deflate( explode( $delim, $array) );
function array_deflate( $arr, $emptyval='' ){
for($i=0,$L=count($arr); $i<$L; ++$i)
if($arr[$i] !== $emptyval) $ret[]=$arr[$i];
return $ret;
While fairly similar to some other suggestion, this implementation has the benefit of generic use. For arrays with non-string elements, provide a typed empty value as the second argument.
array_deflate( $objArray, new stdClass() );
array_deflate( $databaseArray, NULL );
array_deflate( $intArray, NULL );
array_deflate( $arrayArray, [] );
array_deflate( $assocArrayArray, [''=>NULL] );
array_deflate( $processedArray, new Exception('processing error') );
With an optional filter argument..
function array_deflate( $arr, $trigger='', $filter=NULL, $compare=NULL){
if ($filter === NULL) $filter = function($el) { return $el; };
if ($compare === NULL) $compare = function($a,$b) { return $a===$b; };
for($i=0,$L=count($arr); $i<$L; ++$i)
if( !$compare(arr[$i],$trigger) ) $ret[]=$arr[$i];
else $filter($arr[$i]);
return $ret;
With usage..
function targetHandler($t){ /* .... */ }
array_deflate( $haystack, $needle, targetHandler );
Turning array_deflate into a way of processing choice elements and removing them from your array. Also nicer is to turn the if statement into a comparison function that is also passed as an argument in case you get fancy.
being the reverse, would take an extra array as the first parameter which matches are pushed to while non-matches are filtered.
function array_inflate($dest,$src,$trigger='', $filter=NULL, $compare=NULL){
if ($filter === NULL) $filter = function($el) { return $el; };
if ($compare === NULL) $compare = function($a,$b) { return $a===$b; };
for($i=0,$L=count($src); $i<$L; ++$i)
if( $compare(src[$i],$trigger) ) $dest[]=$src[$i];
else $filter($src[$i]);
return $dest;
With usage..
$smartppl=array_inflate( $smartppl,
function isSmart($a,$threshold){
if( isset($a->intellgence) ) //has intelligence?
if( isset($threshold->intellgence) ) //has intelligence?
if( $a->intelligence >= $threshold->intelligence )
return true;
else return INVALID_THRESHOLD; //error
else return INVALID_TARGET; //error
return false;
function cureStupid($person){
$dangerous_chemical = selectNeurosteroid();
applyNeurosteroid($person, $dangerous_chemical);
if( isSmart($person,(object)['intelligence'=>110]) )
return $person;
return $person;
Thus providing an ideal algorithm for the world's educational problems. Aaand I'll stop there before I tweak this into something else..