I have the following specified with my MediaRecorder implementation:
const getMediaRecorderOptions = function () {
var options = { mimeType: "video/webm;codecs=vp8" }; // 9 was lagggy, cpu-intensive
if (!MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported(options.mimeType)) {
logger.recorderLog(options.mimeType + " is not Supported");
options = { mimeType: "video/webm;codecs=vp8" };
if (!MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported(options.mimeType)) {
logger.recorderLog(options.mimeType + " is not Supported");
options = { mimeType: "video/webm" };
if (!MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported(options.mimeType)) {
logger.recorderLog(options.mimeType + " is not Supported");
options = { mimeType: "" };
return options;
Obviously, this is just for webm which isn't supported on iOS Safari or MacOS. I'm trying to avoid doubling our storage and introducing encoding complexity. Is there any way MediaRecorder on Chrome can record directly to a cross-platform container format, from any platform?