Wpf hit testing is pretty good but the only method I found to extend the hit zone is to put a transparent padding area around your object. I can't find any method to add a transparent area arround a Path object. The path is very thin and I would like to enable hit testing if the user clicks near the path. I can't find any method to extend the path object with a transparent area like the image below : alt text http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/6741/linepadding.png
I tried to used a partially transparent stroke brush but I ran into the problem described here : How can I draw a "soft" line in WPF (presumably using a LinearGradientBrush)?
I also tried to put an adorner over my line but because of WPF anti-aliasing algorithms, the position is way off when I zoom in my canvas and interfere with other objects hit-testing in a bad way.
Any suggestion to extend the hit testing zone would be highly appreciated.
Thanks, Kumar