Please note that the self.deliver
method is deprecated, have a look at the code given below. Since deliver
method is defined as a class method you don't have to instantiate the mailer class.
module ActionMailer
module DeprecatedApi #:nodoc:
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
# Deliver the given mail object directly. This can be used to deliver
# a preconstructed mail object, like:
# email = MyMailer.create_some_mail(parameters)
# email.set_some_obscure_header "frobnicate"
# MyMailer.deliver(email)
def deliver(mail, show_warning=true)
if show_warning
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "#{self}.deliver is deprecated, call " <<
"deliver in the mailer instance instead", caller[0,2]
raise "no mail object available for delivery!" unless mail
Sending mail
Once a mailer action and template are defined, you can deliver your message or create it and save it for delivery later:
mail = Notifier.welcome(david) # => a Mail::Message object
mail.deliver # sends the email
#Above 2 steps can be combined
You never instantiate your mailer class. Rather, you just call the method you defined on the class itself.
The method password_reset
returns a Mail::Message object which can then just be told deliver to send itself out.