I'm setting up an API. Everything is working. I'm creating a token via OAuth2 python lib. I'm using TastyPie for my API.
The problem I'm facing.. is that there is no "create" token method in the AccessToken or Client models.
I can create an accessToken via the Django admin, and I can create one by doing a curl to:
myhost.com/oauth2/access_token (with all the info, secret key, client id, user & pass)
my goal is to upon successful registration of a user with my API, the oAuth client is automatically created (working) but I also want to generate the AccessToken. I cannot cURL my own server as its giving me a redirect/connection refused error so I want to do it programmatically in Python. Anyway to do this? Here's a snippet:
user = User.objects.create_user(username, password)
if user:
oauth_client = Client(user=user, name="api account", client_type=1, url="http://example.com")
oauth_client_id = oauth_client.pk
oauth_client_secret = oauth_client.client_secret
if oauth_client:
print user
print oauth_client_id
print AccessToken.objects.all()
print '........'
token = AccessToken(user=user, client=oauth_client_id, scope=6)
the last two lines above, while giving NO errors.. will NOT save a new AccessToken.
? – Terreverte