I implemented a generic structure to control unique properties. This solution can be used for several kinds and properties. Besides, this solution is transparent for other developers, they use NDB methods put and delete as usual.
1) Kind UniqueCategory: a list of unique properties in order to group information. Example:
2) Kind Unique: it contains the values of each unique property. The key is the own property value which you want to control of. I save the urlsafe of the main entity instead of the key or key.id() because is more practical and it doesn’t have problem with parent and it can be used for different kinds. Example:
parent: User.nickname
reference_urlsafe: ahdkZXZ-c3RhcnQtb3BlcmF0aW9uLWRldnINCxIEVXNlciIDMTIzDA (User key)
3) Kind User: for instance, I want to control unique values for email and nickname. I created a list called ‘uniqueness’ with the unique properties. I overwritten method put in transactional mode and I wrote the hook _post_delete_hook when one entity is deleted.
4) Exception ENotUniqueException: custom exception class raised when some value is duplicated.
5) Procedure check_uniqueness: check whether a value is duplicated.
6) Procedure delete_uniqueness: delete unique values when the main entity is deleted.
Any tips or improvement are welcome.
class UniqueCategory(ndb.Model):
# Key = [kind name].[property name]
class Unique(ndb.Model):
# Parent = UniqueCategory
# Key = property value
reference_urlsafe = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
class ENotUniqueException(Exception):
def __init__(self, property_name):
super(ENotUniqueException, self).__init__('Property value {0} is duplicated'.format(property_name))
self. property_name = property_name
class User(ndb.Model):
# Key = Firebase UUID or automatically generated
firstName = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
surname = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
nickname = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
email = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
def put(self):
result = super(User, self).put()
check_uniqueness (self)
return result
def _post_delete_hook(cls, key, future):
uniqueness = [nickname, email]
def check_uniqueness(entity):
def get_or_insert_unique_category(qualified_name):
unique_category_key = ndb.Key(UniqueCategory, qualified_name)
unique_category = unique_category_key.get()
if not unique_category:
unique_category = UniqueCategory(id=qualified_name)
return unique_category_key
def del_old_value(key, attribute_name, unique_category_key):
old_entity = key.get()
if old_entity:
old_value = getattr(old_entity, attribute_name)
if old_value != new_value:
unique_key = ndb.Key(Unique, old_value, parent=unique_category_key)
# Main flow
for unique_attribute in entity.uniqueness:
attribute_name = unique_attribute._name
qualified_name = type(entity).__name__ + '.' + attribute_name
new_value = getattr(entity, attribute_name)
unique_category_key = get_or_insert_unique_category(qualified_name)
del_old_value(entity.key, attribute_name, unique_category_key)
unique = ndb.Key(Unique, new_value, parent=unique_category_key).get()
if unique is not None and unique.reference_urlsafe != entity.key.urlsafe():
raise ENotUniqueException(attribute_name)
unique = Unique(parent=unique_category_key,
def delete_uniqueness(key):
list_of_keys = Unique.query(Unique.reference_urlsafe == key.urlsafe()).fetch(keys_only=True)
if list_of_keys: