The roles attached to a user pool group
only come into picture when you generate credentials for the user using Cognito Federated Identity
. Adding groups to a user pool
IAM roles and their permissions are tied to the temporary AWS
credentials that Amazon Cognito identity pools provide for
authenticated users. Users in a group are automatically assigned the
IAM role for the group when AWS credentials are provided by Amazon
Cognito Federated Identities using the Choose role from token option.
So basically
- create an
identity pool
attached to your user pool.
- change authorization for API gateway to
- after login to user pool, user
to generate the federated identity
- use this identity (
secret key + access key + token
) for authorization with API gateway.
Now your roles should be honored. But mind you - you will be required to generate AWS SigV4 credentials on your own as for some reason this is not provided out of the box. I ended up using aws-sign-web for use in browser.
PS: your role seems to give blanket access to API gateway. you will need to fix that as well. e.g. sample role I used to limit access to one API endpoint
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-2:<aws account id>:<API id>/*/*/acc/*"
"Effect": "Allow"
Sample code to generate federated identity
function getAccessToken(idToken, idenPoolId, userPool) {
let region = idenPoolId.split(":")[0];
let provider = "cognito-idp." + region + "" + userPool;
let login = {};
login[provider] = idToken;
// Add the User's Id Token to the Cognito credentials login map.
let credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId: idenPoolId,
Logins: login
//call refresh method in order to authenticate user and get new temp credentials
credentials.get((error) => {
if (error) {
//let response = {
// statusCode: 500,
// body: JSON.stringify(error)
return null;
} else {
console.log('Successfully logged!');
console.log('AKI:'+ credentials.accessKeyId);
console.log('AKS:'+ credentials.secretAccessKey);
console.log('token:' + credentials.sessionToken);
let response = JSON.stringify({
'AKI': credentials.accessKeyId,
'AKS': credentials.secretAccessKey,
'token': credentials.sessionToken
return response;