I'm running Jetty on a website doing around 100 requests/sec, with nginx in front. I just noticed in the logs, only a few minutes after doing a deploy and starting Jetty, that for a little while it was spamming:
java.io.IOException: Too many open files
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.accept0(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.accept(ServerSocketChannelImpl.java:163)
at org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector$1.acceptChannel(SelectChannelConnector.java:75)
at org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager$SelectSet.doSelect(SelectorManager.java:673)
at org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectorManager.doSelect(SelectorManager.java:192)
at org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector.accept(SelectChannelConnector.java:124)
at org.mortbay.jetty.AbstractConnector$Acceptor.run(AbstractConnector.java:708)
at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$PoolThread.run(QueuedThreadPool.java:582)
For a minute or two. I did an "lsof -u jetty" and saw hundreds of lines of:
java 15892 jetty 1020u IPv6 298105434 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
java 15892 jetty 1021u IPv6 298105438 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
java 15892 jetty 1022u IPv6 298105441 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
java 15892 jetty 1023u IPv6 298105443 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Where is the servers internal IP.
As you can see, this brought the number of open files to the default max of 1024. I could just increase this, but I'm wondering why this happens in the first place? It's in Jetty's nio socket acceptor, so is this caused by a storm of connection requests?