I am trying to understand the difference between Trace.Write
vs Trace.TraceInformation
and which one should be used.
I tried to configure traceOutputOptions
for timestamp/datetime. I just need an add timestamp with each message that I am writing. The datetime I am getting is a bit messay as it appends application name and less user friendly time stamp in next line like below.
ConsoleApplication1.exe Information: 0 : Hello - Trace!
ConsoleApplication1.exe Error: 0 : Hello - Trace!
All I need is something like
2011-01-31 11:32 Information: Hello - Trace!
2011-01-31 11:33 Error: Hello - Trace!
Is there any easy way of setting it up in App.config
doing it?
and its ilk are the "old way" to trace (using OutputDebugString). The "new way" is with Trace Sources: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228989.aspx – Nettlesome