I'm currently writing a series of "Sanity Check" queries for our MSF Agile based project on TFS 2010.
The search I'm struggling with is the following:
Find all User Stories which:
- Have child tasks (or bugs)
- All child tasks/bugs are in the Closed state
- The parent User Story is not closed
The goal being to find user stories that should/could be closed but are not yet.
There doesn't seem to be a way to get the count of child tasks, if I could do that then I could search for "has child tasks, and no child task is not closed". But perhaps there is another way to get the end result I am after ?
Update: More information
My closest search to this so far is:
Team Project = @Project
And Work Item Type = User Story
And State <> Closed
and linked items that match the query below
State <> Closed
Linking Filter: Only return items that do not have the specified links
This almost gets me what I want, however it returns user stories which have no tasks attached, I do not want those to be included.