Numerous tutorials on animating AutoLayout constraints suggest to update constant property of a constraint and then call layoutIfNeeded()
in animation block.
My situation is a bit tricky. I have a view that houses 3 subviews. The height of this superview is not fixed - it is calculated as a sum of heights of its subviews. On some event, I ask one of those 3 subviews to toggle its height (it changes between 0 and 30, i.e. I want to smoothly hide and show it). The code is similar to this:
// In superview
subview1.isVisibleInContext = !subview1.isVisibleInContext
// In subview
class MySubview: UIView {
@IBOutlet var heightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
var isVisibleInContext = false {
didSet {
func toggleHeight() {
let newHeight = isVisibleInContext ? 30 : 0
heightConstraint.constant = newHeight
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.8) {
Unfortunately, this does not work as I expect. I can see the smooth change of the height of my subview, but the height of my superview is recalculated immediately after I set the new value for my subview height constraint.
I want to see the height of the superview gradually increasing/decreasing as on of its subviews grows or decreases.
Please someone point me in the right direction. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot!