I have this following scenario.
I create a pipe.
Forked a child process.
Child closes read end of the pipe explicitly and writes into the write end of the pipe and exits without closing anything ( exit should close all open file/pipe descriptors on behalf of the child, I presume).
Parent closes the write end of the pipe explicitly and reads from the read end of the pipe using
returns NULL. ie it reads completely.
Now my question is, why does the parent need to close the read end of the pipe explicitly once its done reading? Isn't it wise for the system to delete the pipe altogether once complete data has been read from the read-end?
I dint close the read end explicitly in the parent and I have Too many file descriptors
error sooner or later while opening more pipes. My assumption was that the system automatically deletes a pipe once its write end is closed and data has been completely read from read end. Cos you cant from a pipe twice!
So, whats the rationale behind the system not deleting the pipe once data has been completely read and write end closed?