As per the Wikipedia article on Bookmarklets (, the concept of Bookmarklets is:
Web browsers use URIs for the href attribute of the tag and for bookmarks. The URI scheme, such as http:, file:, or ftp:, specifies the protocol and the format for the rest of the string. Browsers also implement a prefix javascript: that to a parser is just like any other URI. Internally, the browser sees that the specified protocol is javascript, treats the rest of the string as a JavaScript application which is then executed, and uses the resulting string as the new page.
It says that the resulting string is used as the new page. So does that mean the original DOM that browser has is not affected by that string? But then how can I change or inject new DOM elements in the existing DOM if only the resulting string is used as a new page? Because script to alert Hello or to inject some new DOM element doesn't really return anything. They kinda work on the existing DOM.
Now, in internet explorer, apart from using Bookmarklets to execute some JavaScript on the page, I can write a BHO plugin and inject it in the following way:
document = (HTMLDocument)webBrowser.Document;
var injectedJS = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("InjectedJS.js");
var window = document.parentWindow;
window.execScript("(function(){ " + injectedJS + " })()");
Similarly in chrome, I can write an extension to achieve the same thing:
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = chrome.extension.getURL("script.js");
s.onload = function() {
How are these different? The high level questions that I have are:
- Do these three approaches execute the JavaScript code in different environments?
- Is there any limitation to one of them that another one doesn't have?
- Is there any difference in the way the result of the execution is presented to the user or is reflected back in browser?
- Is there any difference at all between the terms "JavaScript Injection" and "Bookmarklets"? Though I believe JavaScript Injection is an effect and Bookmarklets are a way to achieve that, BHO and Chrome extensions being another.
- If assumption in 4 is correct, is there any difference in the way JavaScript is executed using BHO's
method or using javascript: protocol in a browser?