I'm using mongojs
and I'm trying to iterate over all elements in a collection
index = 0
db.keys.find({}, {uid: 1, _id: 0}).forEach((err, key) =>
if err?
console.log err
console.log (++index) + " key: " + key_uid
which logs
1 key: bB0KN
2 key: LOtOL
3 key: 51xJM
4 key: x9wFP
5 key: hcJKP
6 key: QZxnE
96 key: EeW6E
97 key: wqfmM
98 key: LIGHK
99 key: bjWTI
100 key: 2zNGE
101 key: F71mL
and then stops. However when I log into mongo from the terminal and run
> db.keys.count()
So clearly it should be returning a lot more keys. Do you have any ideas what could be causing this behavior?