I appreciate that this is borderline off-topic, but it does "directly involve programming or programming tools" so I figure it's just about OK...
I've just installed a newly downloaded version of Git for Windows, and noticed that in the Options dialog, the title bar says "mintty 2.8.5 is available". According to the About dialog, I currently have version 2.8.4.
I assume it's telling me that there's a new version because I am able to upgrade it myself, but I can't find any information about how to do so. I've downloaded the zip file from mintty.github.io, but don't really want to have to build it manually if I can avoid it.
Is there some way to do this, or is the easiest option just to wait for an updated build of Git For Windows that includes the new version of MinTTY?
under directoryMSYS2_ROOT/usr/bin
to replace the old one. – Winery