I want to write to a socket. From reading about network IO, it seems to me that the optimal way to write to it is to do something like this:
OutputStream outs=null;
BufferedWriter out=null;
out =
new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(outs),"UTF-8"));
The BufferedWriter
would buffer the input to the OutputStreamWriter
which is recommended, because it prevents the writer from starting up the encoder for each character.
The BufferedOutputStream
would then buffer the bytes from the Writer
to avoid putting one byte at a time potentially onto the network.
It looks a bit like overkill, but it all seems like it helps? Grateful for any help..
EDIT: From the javadoc on OutputStreamWriter
Each invocation of a write() method causes the encoding converter to be invoked on the given character(s). The resulting bytes are accumulated in a buffer before being written to the underlying output stream. The size of this buffer may be specified, but by default it is large enough for most purposes. Note that the characters passed to the write() methods are not buffered.
For top efficiency, consider wrapping an OutputStreamWriter within a BufferedWriter so as to avoid frequent converter invocations. For example:
Writer out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));