I've been trying to use some of the boost fusion stuff to write a regular c struct to file. An XML file seems a good way to capture the data and make it compatible with other tools or hand editable. It seems like I almost have it but something fundamental seems to be missing. I'm using something pretty similar to what's on the boost::fusion quick start page: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/libs/fusion/doc/html/fusion/quick_start.html. As a side note I have thoroughly looked here and on boost's documentation but no one seems to be accessing the field name.
struct print_xml
template <typename T>
void operator()(T const& x) const
<< '<' << x.first << '>'
<< x
<< "</" << x.first << '>'
I want to use it as follows:
(double, val1)
(double, val2)
(char, letter)
(int, number)
myStructType saveMe = { 3.4, 5.6, 'g', 9};
for_each(saveMe, print_xml());
Other times I defined the struct as follows, but still no luck:
namespace fields{
struct val1;
struct val2;
struct letter;
struct number;
typedef fusion::map<
fusion::pair<fields::val1, double>,
fusion::pair<fields::val2, double>,
fusion::pair<fields::letter, char>,
fusion::pair<fields::number, int> > myStructType;
I know there is no member first, but it really seems like there should be in order to access the field name! The code I have works fine with x.second but then doesn't accomplish what I need which is to get the field name. How else might I accomplish this? Thanks!