I have cucumber feature file located at below location on my local:
and Junit jar at below location:
When I have tried several commands like below to execute the feature file from command prompt however all the time getting same error as
Could not fine class
Below are the commands which I used: Command 1:
C:\>java -cp C:\ProjectWork\Workspace\JarFiles\junit-4.11.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore C:\DurgeshProjectWork\Workspace\Cucumbe
Command 2:
C:\ProjectWork\Workspace\Cucumber\DIT_Cucumber\src\cucumber>java -cp C:\ProjectWork\Workspace\JarFiles\junit-4.11.jar org
.junit.runner.JUnitCore featureOne.feature
Could you please help me to run this feature file from command line. Thanks in advance.