I am trying to implement redux with Jetpack compose. The scenario looks like this:
I have a list view where I need to show data, in composable function.
fun CreateListView(text: String) {
val listdata = state { store.state }
LazyColumn {
//some listview code here
above, I want to use the data that I got from the redux store. but the store. The subscription method is standalone, and outside the composable. where, though I am able to update the state through new data, but the changes are not reflecting back to composable listview:
// activity page outside composable
private fun storeSubscription(){
viewModel.storeSubscription = store.subscribe {
when (store.state) {
store.state = // list data from some source
Is it possible to update the composable, like above, from outside the function, and without sending any parameter? Since the redux store is a global one, so it should work I think.