I'm trying to write a function that turns empty strings into NA. A summary of one of my column looks like this:
a b
12 210 468
I'd like to change the 12 empty values to NA. I also have a few other factor columns for which I'd like to change empty values to NA, so I borrowed some stuff from here and there to come up with this:
# change nulls to NAs
nullToNA <- function(df){
# split df into numeric & non-numeric functions
a<-df[,sapply(df, is.numeric), drop = FALSE]
b<-df[,sapply(df, Negate(is.numeric)), drop = FALSE]
# Change empty strings to NA
b<-b[lapply(b,function(x) levels(x) <- c(levels(x), NA) ),] # add NA level
b<-b[lapply(b,function(x) x[x=="",]<- NA),] # change Null to NA
# Put the columns back together
d[, names(df)]
However, I'm getting this error:
> foo<-nullToNA(bar) Error in x[x == "", ] <- NA : incorrect number of subscripts on matrix Called from: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
I have tried the answer found here: Replace all 0 values to NA but it changes all my columns to numeric values.
function instead ofx==""
? Maybe there is nothing to be found. Have you checked whether yourlevels
returns anything. you can check the inside of your function step by step with your data. ignore the function and go line by line with your data the inside of your function. – Eran