I downloaded Android Studio 2.3.3 for Linux
and unzipped the content to /usr/local
$ cd android-studio/bin
Edited the file idea.properties
and appended a following line to it:
Then launched Android Studio:
$ sudo sh studio.sh
Looking in classpath from com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader@1a7cec2 for /com/sun/jna/linux-x86/libjnidispatch.so
Found library resource at jar:file:/usr/local/android-studio/lib/jna.jar!/com/sun/jna/linux-x86/libjnidispatch.so
Trying /root/.AndroidStudio2.3/system/tmp/jna5562911082428971611.tmp
Found jnidispatch at /root/.AndroidStudio2.3/system/tmp/jna5562911082428971611.tmp
[ 40066] WARN - dea.updater.SdkComponentSource - File /root/.android/repositories.cfg could not be loaded.
^C[18124266] WARN - pl.local.NativeFileWatcherImpl - Watcher terminated with exit code 130
And it will stuck. After long waiting I termited it with Ctrl+C
– Arenaceous