The Service CPU Utilization
is a convenience metric specifying the CPU Usage of your service, as in, the ECS Cluster Service. This shouldn't be confused with the actual CPU usage per host, which are managed by that service.
The CPU units that you set is defined in your task - you set the limit for what you want a healthy task to look like; ECS and CloudWatch use that metric to help you keep your cluster in what you consider a "healthy" state.
AWS Service Utilization Documentation:
For example, the task definition for a service specifies a total of 512 CPU units and 1,024 MiB of memory (with the hard limit memory parameter) for all of its containers. The service has a desired count of 1 running task, the service is running on a cluster with 1 c4.large container instance (with 2,048 CPU units and 3,768 MiB of total memory), and there are no other tasks running on the cluster. Although the task specifies 512 CPU units, because it is the only running task on a container instance with 2,048 CPU units, it has the ability to use up to four times the specified amount (2,048 / 512); however, the specified memory of 1,024 MiB is a hard limit and it cannot be exceeded, so in this case, service memory utilization cannot exceed 100%.
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If this task is performing CPU-intensive work during a period and using all 2,048 of the available CPU units and 512 MiB of memory, then the service reports 400% CPU utilization and 50% memory utilization. If the task is idle and using 128 CPU units and 128 MiB of memory, then the service reports 25% CPU utilization and 12.5% memory utilization.
So to directly answer your question of whether it impacts the service performance, the answer is... maybe. The service can be configured to only know about or consider some hosts in your cluster (more details). If your service reports usage of 500%
based on the limits you've set, but the underlying hosts that the service has access to are healthy at the host level, then you can maybe consider your service to be "healthy".
I would, however, consider tweaking your task configurations to better align with what would be a normal off-peak limit for your CPU units allowed.
Keep in mind though that while your cluster may be showing you 5%
usage, it's entirely possible that your cluster has 20 hosts, 19 of which are idle, and 1 is entirely overloaded by your service (again, dependent on how you've configured your task placement constraints).