I have an ASP.NET 3.5 server application written in C#. It makes outbound requests to a REST API using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse.
I have setup a test application to send these requests on separate threads (to vaguely mimic concurrency against the server).
Please note this is more of a Mono/Environment question than a code question; so please keep in mind that the code below is not verbatim; just a cut/paste of the functional bits.
Here is some pseudo-code:
// threaded client piece
int numThreads = 1;
ManualResetEvent doneEvent;
using (doneEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false))
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Test), random_url_to_same_host);
void Test(object some_url)
// setup service point here just to show what config settings Im using
ServicePoint lgsp = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(new Uri(some_url.ToString()));
// set these to optimal for MONO and .NET
lgsp.Expect100Continue = false;
lgsp.ConnectionLimit = 100;
lgsp.UseNagleAlgorithm = true;
lgsp.MaxIdleTime = 100000;
_request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(some_url);
using (HttpWebResponse _response = (HttpWebResponse)_request.GetResponse())
// do stuff
} // releases the response object
// close out threading stuff
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref numThreads) == 0)
If I run the application on my local development machine (Windows 7) in the Visual Studio web server, I can up the numThreads and receive the same avg response time with minimal variation whether it's 1 "user" or 100.
Publishing and deploying the application to Apache2 on a Mono 2.10.2 environment, the response times scale almost linearly. (i.e, 1 thread = 300ms, 5 thread = 1500ms, 10 threads = 3000ms). This happens regardless of server endpoint (different hostname, different network, etc).
Using IPTRAF (and other network tools), it appears as though the application only opens 1 or 2 ports to route all connections through and the remaining responses have to wait.
We have built a similar PHP application and deployed in Mono with the same requests and the responses scale appropriately.
I have run through every single configuration setting I can think of for Mono and Apache and the ONLY setting that is different between the two environments (at least in code) is that sometimes the ServicePoint SupportsPipelining=false in Mono, while it is true from my machine.
It seems as though the ConnectionLimit (default of 2) is not being changed in Mono for some reason but I am setting it to a higher value both in code and the web.config for the specified host(s).
Either me and my team are overlooking something significant or this is some sort of bug in Mono.