So I know that Javascript Maps have a set amount of keys that they can store ( around 16.7 M ).
I was trying to test if I can ( in a very ugly way ) remove the oldest elements from the array. I noticed that no matter what I do it is actually not the Map size that was a limiting factor but it was rather the amount of operations I have done that were limiting me.
Below is an example code:
const map = new Map();
let i = 0;
while (true) {
set(i, i);
if (i % 1000 === 0)
console.log('INSERTED: ', i, 'KEYS', 'MAP SIZE :', map.size);
function set(key, value) {
if (map.size > 16770000) {
Array.from(map.keys()).slice(0, 10000).forEach(key => map.delete(key));
console.log('DELETED, current map size:', map.size);
try {
map.set(key, value);
} catch (e) {
console.log('MAP SIZE:', map.size, 'INSERTED:', key);
throw e;
When you run the snippet, just check your console. What you should notice is at the end ( when the exception is thrown ) you will get the Map Size and the INSERTED. Map Size will be a variable ( depending on how many elements you remove, which in this case is 10000) but INSERTED will always be the same value. So how come if I am not reaching the limit of the Map.... I am somehow reaching a limit. Is this some kind of reference issue that I am missing?
EDIT: As mentioned by @CRice if you increase the items deleted to around 10,000,000 then the cycle continues on seemingly forever.
EDIT 2: Here is an answer from one of the V8 devs talking about the limit of 16.7M keys:
EDIT 3: See answer: We still need a V8 developer or someone with further knowledge in the engine to clarify this.
, which is 10000 higher than the max map size, and the logs show that you deleted 10000 keys just before that so everything looks fine to me... – Merilee