I have setup my classpath for p4merge an set the file .gitconfig, but there i get this error when the p4merge tool suppose to opem those two files that are in conflict. anybody knows the solution?
added to classpath: "C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4merge.exe" added to .gitconfig file:
tool = p4merge
[mergetool "p4merge"]
cmd = p4merge.exe \\\"$BASE\\\" \\\"$LOCAL\\\" \\\"$REMOTE\\\" \\\"$MERGED\\\"
Normal merge conflict for 'protected/views/layouts/main.php':
{local}: modified file
{remote}: modified file
Hit return to start merge resolution tool (p4merge):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git/libexec/git-core/mergetools/p4merge: line 8: p4merge:
command not found
protected/views/layouts/main.php seems unchanged.
Was the merge successful? [y/n] n
merge of protected/views/layouts/main.php failed
by default is false. In any case, it should be set asmergetool.keepTemporaries
, notmergetool.<Tool>.keepTemporaries
is also set without specifying<Tool>
. – Pagurian