I have a service which displays a floating view on the window manager (using WINDOW_TYPE_ALERT permission). I'm able to display it and perform actions. But, I have two specific questions:
- Regarding the implementation of the floating view
- How to listen to system back button event so that I can dismiss the view.
In the manifest I added permissions for:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
I have a broadcast receiver which will listen for Alarm events. Upon receiving the event, I'm starting a service to display the floating view. The following is the code I'm using to create the view.
LayoutParams layOutParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
Whenever a user performs any action on the view, I'm removing the view from window manager and killing the service.
What I would like to know is - if this is the right way to approach the problem or are there any better ways to do it? And, should I make changes to the LayoutParams or keep them as is?
Secondly, I would also like to dismiss this floating view when there is SYSTEM BACK/HARDWARE BACK button press event. Any pointers on how to do this would be helpful.
Attaching a screenshot of the floating view for better understanding: