The settings of the H2 Console are stored in a configuration file called
in your user home directory. For Windows installations, the user home directory is usually C:\Documents and Settings\[username]
or C:\Users\[username]
. The configuration file contains the settings of the application and picked up when the H2 Console is started.
Below config to create a new database on startup:
- add newline in property file.
0=Generic H2 (Server)|org.h2.Driver|jdbc\:h2\:tcp\://localhost/~/db_name|sa
- open the
command prompt
go to the \bin
directory where h2 has installed:
e.g. cd C:\Program Files (x86)\H2\bin
- and run following the command
java -cp h2-1.4.194.jar
Other General Settings:
: allow other computers to connect.
: the port of the H2 Console
: use encrypted TLS (HTTPS) connections.
and more question i have SQL script for creating tables and inserting data. How can i run script or export it using H2 ? – Manassas